January 20, 2011


How bad this thing will come up to, I have to be glad for knowing this thing ever happened to me. Little bit awkward, full of unyuness, I'll tell you one of my best day ever. Here I go.

Since back then, I knew this man is one of my closest friend. He's the one whom could light me up while mocking at him rudely. One second later on, I could suddenly mellow in ftont of him, pour out my bitter experiences. On other time, he's standing by me hearing to my highest daydreams about future. But next, he is gloomy when thinking of his future then ended with the word: 'yaudahlah'. Anticlimax, indeed. Maybe he wants to say that he's confusing about his future would be go to if he take the wrong majoring. But his ambition is to be director. Yes, he always wants to have lots of money. Wish for standing in series of company's functionary, particularly oil company, whom their photos printed in company's souvenirs. Then, I could tell him about my secrets uproarious. Although his reaction not as much as I did. Pfft.

He's little bit self-centered, hard-headed, sometimes moody, and autism syndrome. Bahahah. The last one is absolutely kidding. Bokep too. (dunno what bokep means in English). Fortunately, he's kinda smart. Not the type of nerd whom always reading books, but in exacta subjects like physics and maths, he could be relied on. As his hope, now he's in ITB (Institute Technology of Bandung). Enrolled as FITB student. I wished for this faculty, but I failed. Recently, he intents to try another faculty such as FKUI. But I don't think much about that. He's moody and wishy-washy in the same time.

Since don't know when, I read his tumblr. Shocked by one of the posts posted there, I asked him who is she. At first, he didn't want to tell about it. I forced him regularly, then he admits. Hmm, very shortly, she is me. I am the lucky girl who could be his. Hahaha, lots of happiness surrounding me. We're officially been couple in 17th of January 2011. In his car on our way back from Dufan to Bekasi. Even the bad things happened over the good things, I love you much. Wish we could through our relationship though we're a bit far apart in distance. I love you whatever why it is.

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